One summer that demonstrated my resilience was in 2023, when I embarked on a whirlwind of experiences, each presenting its challenges and lessons. As a media instructor at UC Berkeley’s Media Production Camp, I faced the daunting task of working with children for the first time. Alongside fellow newcomers, we encountered conflicts among campers that demanded creative solutions. Through teamwork and communication, we navigated these challenges, ensuring a smoother experience for everyone involved.

Transitioning to my film industry externship in Los Angeles, I found myself in unfamiliar territory, both geographically and professionally. The externship entailed that a fellow student and I would meet 10 Wesleyan Alunmi in the film industry over a 5-day period. Determined to make the most of this opportunity, I diligently researched the area and the professionals I would meet, maximizing my time outside of the program to explore the city of LA 

The final leg of my summer journey took me to New York for an internship at TCS Camera Rental House. I had some support from my family with this transition however they have never been to the east coast so I knew I had to be vigilant in figuring out how to make the internship work. I took on the responsibility of securing accommodation and adapting to city life. 

Throughout these experiences, I demonstrated adaptability, determination, and resourcefulness, refusing to let challenges deter me from pursuing valuable learning opportunities.
