One of my strengths in building relationships is my genuine approach, which transcends mere networking. Rather than viewing interactions as transactional opportunities, I seek to connect with individuals I admire or wish to collaborate with on a deeper level. Many of my enduring connections have evolved beyond professional boundaries, rooted in genuine curiosity and mutual respect.

An example of this approach benefiting me occurred in the winter of 2023 during a Directing Actors for the Camera course taught by David Kendall, a writer and director whose work I greatly admire. Recognizing this as a rare chance to learn from him directly, I seized the opportunity to engage him in meaningful conversations beyond the scope of the class material.

Rather than limiting discussions to his professional experiences, I delved into his personal insights and creative processes, seeking to understand how his background and personality shape his approach to directing and writing. This tailored approach not only deepened my understanding of David as a filmmaker and individual but also demonstrated my genuine interest in his craft.

This experience reaffirmed the value of authentic connections built on mutual respect and curiosity, transcending the confines of professional networking. I look forward to continuing to nurture such meaningful connections in my journey ahead.
